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Prenatal Care Specialist

Posture Perfect

Chiropractors & Family Medicine located in Dallas, TX & McKinney, TX

Prenatal Chiropractic Care


Are you pregnant or know someone who is? Here are 4 reasons to get Adjusted during pregnancy. Come visit one of our Webster Certified Chiropractors. Call us at 972-792-0204 to schedule an appointment.

1) Decrease Pain- Proper mobilization and improved biomechanics of the joints help decrease pain in the body.

2) Decrease Stress -Chiropractic care balances the body’s response to stress, so you can stay in the rest and digest mode.

3) Restore Pelvic Balance - Checking the ligaments, muscles, and biomechanics of the pelvis helps create more room for the baby which could help decrease the possibility of a breech presentation.

4) Improve Posture & Mobility -Adjustments increase body awareness, proprioception and help posture so you can adapt to physical changes during pregnancy.

As your body shifts and grows to accommodate a baby, your pelvis and spine might become misaligned. This can shrink the room the baby has to grow and can prevent them from moving into the correct position during birth. Additionally, visiting a chiropractor for pregnancy can eliminate sciatica, prevent nausea, reduce the chance of a C-section, and lower the amount of time you spend in labor.

With a spinal adjustment, we can shift your pelvis back into the correct alignment to maximize your baby’s space and give you relief for lower back pain.

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