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How Chiropractors Look at Posture and Ways to Improve It


How Chiropractors Look at Posture and Ways to Improve It

Posture is the window to our spine. Chiropractors, experts in the musculoskeletal system, often assess posture as a part of a comprehensive examination to identify misalignments and subluxations. Improper posture can lead to a myriad of health issues, including back pain, neck pain, and decreased lung capacity. In this article, we'll explore how chiropractors evaluate posture and provide some tips to help you stand tall and proud.

1. The Chiropractic Posture Assessment

Chiropractors typically begin with a visual assessment. They look at the patient from the front, side, and back, noting any deviations from the ideal posture.

Frontal View: They will check for:

  • Level eyes, shoulders, hips, and knees.
  • Even spacing between the arms and the body.

Side View: The following are taken into account:

  • Alignment of the earlobe with the midpoint of the shoulder.
  • Shoulders level with the hips.
  • The forward or backward tilt of the pelvis.
  • The curvature of the spine - whether it's flat, normal, or exaggerated.

Back View: Checks for:

  • Spinal alignment and any side-to-side curvatures.
  • Evenness of the shoulder blades.

Apart from visual analysis, chiropractors might use specific tools and techniques like plumb lines, posture analysis software, or X-rays to get a detailed insight.

2. Why is Good Posture Important?

Maintaining a proper posture is not just about aesthetics; it has several health implications:

  • Spinal Health: Proper posture ensures that the spine is correctly aligned, reducing the risk of disc herniations and other spinal problems.
  • Muscle Strain: Poor posture can lead to muscle fatigue and strain as they work overtime to compensate.
  • Digestion: An aligned spine and open chest cavity mean your internal organs are not compressed, promoting better digestion.
  • Lung Capacity: Upright posture allows for better lung expansion, ensuring you get more oxygen with each breath.

3. Tips to Improve Your Posture

1. Stay Active: Regular exercise, especially core strengthening, plays a significant role in maintaining good posture.

2. Ergonomics: If you work at a desk, ensure your workstation is ergonomically set up. Your monitor should be at eye level, and your feet should rest flat on the ground.

3. Mind Your Sleeping Position: Sleeping on your back or side with a supportive pillow can help maintain spinal alignment.

4. Regular Chiropractic Care: Regular visits can help address minor misalignments before they become major issues.

5. Posture Checks: Set reminders to check your posture throughout the day. Over time, it will become second nature.

6. Posture Correcting Tools: Consider using posture-correcting tools like braces or wearable tech that vibrates when you slouch.

7. Stretch Regularly: Incorporate stretching into your daily routine to release tension and maintain flexibility.

4. Remember...

It's never too late to improve your posture. Whether you're 15 or 50, taking steps now can lead to a healthier spine and a better quality of life. Your chiropractor can provide personalized advice and exercises tailored to your needs.

In conclusion, your posture is a mirror of your spinal health. With the guidance of a chiropractor and proactive measures, you can stand tall and improve your overall well-being.

5. The Link Between Posture and Daily Habits

Our daily habits, from the way we sit on our couch to the way we text on our phones, can either help or harm our posture. A phenomenon termed "text neck" has emerged, where looking down at devices for extended periods can strain the cervical spine.

6. Posture Throughout Life's Phases

From infancy to old age, our posture undergoes changes. For instance:

  • Children and Backpacks: A heavy backpack can alter a child's posture, putting undue stress on their young spine.
  • Pregnancy: The added weight in the front can pull the spine forward, leading to lordosis or an exaggerated inward lumbar curve.
  • Elderly: With age, some people develop a forward-leaning posture due to factors like osteoporosis or muscle weakening.

7. Chiropractic Interventions for Postural Correction

  • Adjustments: Spinal manipulations can help correct misalignments.
  • Therapeutic Exercises: Targeted exercises can strengthen weak muscles and relax tight ones.
  • Massage: This can alleviate muscle tension, which might be pulling the spine out of alignment.
  • Orthotics: For some, foot imbalances can be a root cause of postural issues. Custom orthotics can help.

8. The Mental and Emotional Impact of Posture

Research suggests a two-way link between posture and emotions. Standing tall not only makes you feel more confident but can also have a positive effect on stress and mood.

9. Workshops and Postural Education

Many chiropractors offer workshops or training sessions on postural education, helping patients understand the importance of posture in daily life.

10. Future Tech and Posture

With the rise of wearable technology, there are now gadgets that can monitor your posture and remind you to sit or stand straight. Integrating such technology, especially in workplaces, can be a game-changer for spinal health.


Posture is not just about standing tall but about holistic well-being. It’s a reflection of our lifestyle, habits, and even our emotional state. With the right knowledge and proactive care, including chiropractic interventions, we can ensure our posture augments our health rather than detracting from it. Always remember: the spine is the backbone of your health, both literally and figuratively. Treat it with care!

Yaron Lohr, DC Clinic Director

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